Compassionate Holidays

In light of the recent political shift, many of us are in a state of mourning, and worry. Not so much for ourselves but for the future of Mother Earth and her animals. To stay emotionally and spiritually strong, we may have to take off our warrior armor and step back to see the bigger picture, i.e. how much we have actually achieved for other species through the years. In that vein, we can feel inspired and empowered, knowing that we will continue to make amazing strides for the innocent and vulnerable.

Isolation and feelings of loneliness may occur for many individuals who strive to live a compassionate lifestyle. Such isolation is often exacerbated during the holidays if family and friends aren’t embracing cruelty free celebrations. However, if we take advantage of our quiet and “lonely” moments, they can provide amazing spiritual revelations that give us strength and focus. We can celebrate and give gratitude for our understanding that other species feel pain, cry, thrive on companionship, laugh, and worry, just like we do. We are among the circle of compassionates and we are as strong as we are caring.

As an animal intuitive, I know that other species keenly understand our energy and our feelings, and they are naturally very “psychic” on an incredible level, beyond their inherent instincts. Animals sense the shift in our environment as it relates to pollution, toxins, and human encroachment. They sense a disruption in their environment long before it’s visually evident to humans on a microscopic level. No matter how humanely a cow, a pig, or a chicken are raised before going to slaughter, there is no such thing as a humane slaughterhouse. Those animals know they are going to die a horrific death. Graciously, we have not contributed to that terror and suffering. For that, we give thanks. The true essence of Thanksgiving!

As we move into the New Year, we know we will face challenging obstacles in our efforts to improve the lives of animals. We may at times feel defeated, but we will also rejoice in our successes and triumphs. We are aware that we are all connected to this amazing circle that we call Life and shall steadfastly remain on the path of true compassion.

Be kind and do good things. “Minochige Gizhewaadizi”

~Linda G. Fisher

Linda G. Fisher is an artist, writer, vegan, and interspecies communicator. Her artwork can be found in galleries and private collections worldwide. She is the author of several published works about non-human animals and is currently completing her memoir. Linda is Ojibway and Cherokee and a tribal member of the Ojibway Nation. Her family is of the Catfish clan. She shares her home with an adopted dog and six rescued parrots.

(Paintings by Linda G. Fisher featured in this piece are Brahma Bull, Red Moon and Woman with Three Doves, They Return Again, and Peace on Earth.)

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